My Downdraft table

I do a lot of work in my office and sometimes that leaves quite a mess. I’ve been eyeing downdraft tables for sanding for a long time. Since I don’t have a ton of space and my desk has a edge on the back I decided was the day to make one fit for my space. The Glowforge made cutting the body panels and the holes in the top simple. I put my business logo on the front for fun. :slight_smile:


Brilliant. Now I want one too.


There is a slanted bottom to make sure the vacuum flows evenly but otherwise it is an airtight box with 1/4 holes in the top. I’m sure you can have one later tonight if you want. :wink:


I would but I’ve got a long project backlog. I’m working on recreating an 18th-century papercut to frame for our house right now.


Wow. That’s great! I think I need one of those as well! As most of the woodworking I’ve done on my beta projects is all very new to me, I didn’t realize I needed one of these until now. For sanding right? Can you share with me more of the actual details of how it works and how you did it? It’s ok if you cant… I got this awesome thing called Google too! Hehe… :wink:


I did a bit of Google research myself and noticed a lot of DiY builds used peg board for the top. I looked up how big and how spaced apart the holes were and copied that (1/4" holes 1" apart) I made it tall enough to work with my bench and be comfortable to use when standing. I held the sides together with right angle jigs and glued it then stapled it for added support. The only parts left are to install a board that slants from the top to the back to direct the vacuum evenly and get an adapter to make it connect to my shop vac. I put a 4’ hole in it since I plan on my dust collection system using 4’ pipes eventually but for now I’ll use the adapter to make it connect to the shop vac. I’ll probably caulk all the interior seams when it’s all done.


Ok, great. We’ll done though. I really appreciate it. This is a must have project for me. Also, I need a shop vac! :smile:


Seems like it could double as a vaccu-form table if you had an easy way of
attaching/detaching the heating elements


I do actually own a small vacuuform machine that is designed like this. It depends on using some other kind of heat source like an oven to soften the plastic.

Did my first test run today and everything works fine but there is one thing I didn’t foresee. Each of the little holes is a whistle. Oh man does it play one cacophonous song when turned on!


oh that’s delightful… from outside the room :slight_smile:


I have hearing protection in my shop for just such an occasion. :slight_smile:

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I bet with careful engraving you could tune the whistles! That could sound amazing.


Can’t wait to see this.


I love seeing functional projects like this! Very inspiring…


i’ve been thinking about making something similar once some kind of laser arrives; i could theoretically do it now but thats a lot of drilling. additionally, with the passthrough and some careful alignment, you could make an air hockey table…

you almost certainly could but it’s not likely to be as functional, unfortunately.

that said i’d be lying if i hadn’t been thinking about weird musical instruments one could make.


This is a great idea. Never thought of making a smaller one for a desktop, but it would come in handy for different parts that might need the char sanded off the edge or putting a chamfer on.

Thanks for sharing.


What a wonderfully practical use of the GF, and the final product looks awesome!

I think the laser cut holes look so much better than pegboard. Are they round or square, I cannot tell from the angle.


That IS brilliant! It goes on my list as well! Never thought to make one to use in the office but I sand and grind a lot of plastics in here where it’s temperature controlled. :smiley:


A new musical instrument where you play by moving your hands or paddles to cover/un-cover holes ! :grinning: (with built in dust collection!)