My First Paper Experiments - Exciting!

Something like this? the MSDS says it’s saturated paper (not the clear film like the 1310).

Sorry to get all picky about details and stuff here, but you’ve solved a lot of problems for me with this fantastic post, and I’d like to replicate some of your workflow for my own stuff! thanks!


I think @Jules recommended


was this recommended for other masking purposes or specifically for paper?

I’ve never used masking in paper cut art on a laser before (never needed to) but the wonky settings on the GF right now aren’t quite ready-for-prime-time when it comes to making production art pieces from paper… hoping some masking could help that. I’m worried the tape will just stick to the paper, though.

Sorry, yes, 582. It is quite low tack and comes right off the paper, not pulling much at all and leaving even those super fine details intact.


Just to revisit this - I tried the engrave technique after my scoring attempts all resulted in burn-through failure. It takes SO MUCH LONGER but the results really are beautiful, it’s something I’ll keep trying for the time being.

painful though for something that previously took 58 seconds to run to now take 38 minutes :frowning:


Agreed, time is the killer on that process but the results are a lot more controllable. Hopefully we’ll get an update that optimizes the corners to get rid of that burn.

Not to rip this post from the past, but I’ve also been waiting to see what you were going to make on your Glowforge for a long time, and I have to say the results are stunning! Your artwork is gorgeous and the project is so very cool. Thanks so much for sharing! :heart: My only regret is not looking this up sooner…


I loved this before, and I love it again, golee this is sooooo good.


Finally, after many details, these were completed and shipped out to customers. Here are a few of the final “glamour shots” of this one. It turned out pretty great and the people that got them have responded with lots of “wow” and “amazing”. Only the Glowforge made this possible (and I was able to pay for the unit with this project, so it’s all a big win in my book)


That’s a very professional looking case. I like anything acrylic. :grinning:

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These are gorgeous. I have absolutely no interest at all in playing cards and I got sucked into your site the other day. Beautiful work!


Really gorgeous acrylic work @joker. So precise and clean :slight_smile: Are those little magnets holding the lid?