Need help on turning solid lines into dotted sewing lines in illustrator for cutting on Glowforge

Hello Makers,

I am trying to a make a bag pattern on Illustrator. I need to make sewing holes on the pattern. I figured out how to turn solid lines into dotted lines on illustrator. However, when I upload the file, Glowforge, turns the dotted lines back to solid lines. How do fix this? Please help (-:

Not AI, but same technique exists as in Inkscape:


I’m embarrassed to ask this, where do I find Inkscape?

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It’s a bit different in Illustrator, but not difficult. (And you’re better off sticking with one program.)


YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!! I used the , object, path, and outline stroke, and it WORKED!!! I have been on the chat line with illustrator for nearly 2 hours and he was still not able to help me. Next time, I will come directly to this community. I am a new owner. (-:


And if you would still like to use Illustrator, here’s how you do it:

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I see you already have your answer, but yes you’ll always want to use Outline Stroke when changing a line to a shape. That and Type>Create Outlines will be your best friends.

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Welcome home :sunglasses:


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