Alright, it’s taken quite a bit longer than I anticipated to release an update. As I was working through this, I realized that I was falling into some bad habits in the code, making it much more confusing than necessary–that hasn’t all been fixed, but it’s much better.
Version 0.40-alpha can be found here.
Some important notes for those interested:
I had to take a step back on this and reevaluate the method I was using to build functionality for the future. As a result, the code base has been completely reorganized and refactored; in an attempt to–I hope–make things easier in the future.
The bad:
- This version is a little slower than the previous version, since it updates model parameters in place, instead of creating new parameters
The good:
- This version minimizes the number of parameters that have to be created; keeping the model a little cleaner. With careful planning, the number of parameters created for any given face can be as low as 0 or 1, but will generally not exceed 4 or 5 (where the previous version had a minimum of 7 or 8)
- Parametric functionality is now the default, but can be disabled by the user.
- The user can now specify a margin from the edge, preventing fingers from being too close to the edge.
- Interior walls can now be specified (spaced equally across the body), so that fingers will be cut across the body, not just on the edges.
- Input validation and selection have been improved; there are a few cases where the input dialog might not function as you expect, but it should be much better at preventing mistakes; this will be improved further in the next release.