Needed GFUI Features

Another thing that complicates the design/layout distinction is that in some cases we have no choice but to use the camera/GFUI tools to place designs (as when cutting from a partially used piece of material).

Adding a set of layout tools to the GFUI seems like the obvious solution from a user perspective (I’d love to see pull-out guides along with the other things you’ve mentioned). I can also imagine a workflow where we are able to download bed images and pull those into our design programs to use for layout purposes, but that idea seems like it might have a steepish learning curve for folks not fluent in design software.

That need stems mostly from customizing designs in the store. And that kinda needs to happen within the GFUI. So it’s gotta stay.

I love this.

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I’m totally fine if they never give it general design capabilities, but three things drive me absolutely mental.

First, you know when you resize something and you get the blue box with corner and side squares? When you pull on the corner, it should scale the shape. But when you pull on the side, it should just lengthen the shape, not scale it. This drives me bananas. Why even have side pulls (they probably have a name, but I don’t know what it is). I assume they plan to implement this, because I’m fairly optimistic that people are generally not evil.

Second, if I click on something on the left side, it should select it. And let me delete it. Please. Please.

Third, if I copy-paste a shape, shenanigans happen and they don’t make sense. I get the new shape, but not on the left side. On the left side, they’re all one shape. So all copy pasted shapes have to have the same settings. It’s not a huge deal, and not nearly as annoying to me as the other things, but I just don’t understand why. I’m dumb, this totally makes sense. As explained by @palmercr down below.


Double absolutely.

This is certainly unexpected behavior. But I guess I sort of understand it. I mean, I guess we’re saying to make a “true” copy of it. That we want it to be exactly the same.

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If your copy it is the same colour so it will get the same settings. It would be odd to get duplicate settings and if you where doing a lot of small things it would get out of hand if they all had settings tabs.


Good point. That’s what I get for not thinking it through all the way.

Uh, that makes a ton of sense. I do you use colors when I design, but I didn’t think about it as copying the colors in the GFUI, too.

Good gravy, I am not actually advocating to get rid of it! I am generally in the “please let us do more” camp.

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Thanks so much for all the feedback. It’s so valuable to us and I’m happily sharing it with the rest of the team.

Happy printing!