Just got the spark- can’t get acrylics to cut. Brought ancrylic off Amazon… trying to do a gold mirror… what is thickness and manual settings to make this stuff cut… 1/8 thick. Please help or can you tell me what and where to buy acrylics that will cut and engrave
Thanks in advance
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The spark uses a blue LED laser to work significantly better on some acrylic colors than others. It won’t work on clear or mirror which is mostly clear.
EDIT: spelling and grammar
From the Spark product page on glowforge.com:
Try Glowforge Spark-compatible Proofgrade materials for smart settings and perfect results. For best performance, choose thin Proofgrade materials, and avoid clear, white, translucent, or blue acrylic.
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That exact same seller on Amazon should be fine - or acrylic from anywhere, just avoid those colours.
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