I was challenged to take the wooden game controllers I made to the next level by making movable parts. I took it even further than that! I destroyed a brand new head lamp and reassembled parts of it for the LEDs and added a seamlessly flat power button for them to the bottom of the controller and added spring loaded buttons for working parts and redesigned a whole other style of controller for this one. If you want to see it in action here is a video of it working: https://youtu.be/m_ZAjuKGXdc
If I’m ever stranded on a desert island, I want you, a Glowforge, and a supply of Proofgrade along, as I’m sure you’ll be able to make a working radio and maybe a rescue helicopter!
Pick up an old controller from someplace and then just take it apart and start swapping out the parts. You have done the hard part already. You just need to adjust your design a little to make room for the electronics in the middle.
You’ll also have to figure out a way to hold the button switches in place but that should just be a little trial and error the get right.
Damn, now I really want to dig through my bin-o-crap and find one of my old controllers.
Ok, this is a better approach. You might have to get a bigger PCB so you can get the buttons in the right place. But it would work perfect as the guts for your controller. Plus its wireless.