Non-Proof Grade .125 (1/8") White Acrylic Cutting Settings?

Hey GF community, I’ve searched for cut settings of Non-Proof Grade .125 (1/8") white acrylic sheets in various spreadsheet but couldn’t find. I have a Basic GF. The closest I’ve seen is fluorescent red at 180 speed/85 power which isn’t cutting straight through. Any help is appreciated. I purchased acrylic sheets from Shop3D along with .0625 (1/16") clear acrylic which I’ll be cutting soon but any help with this setting would also be welcomed.

.125 is 1/8", or “medium” per Glowforge terms. Start there.


Yup, thanks that did the trick for white acrylic. I thought the opacity might change the settings.

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Welcome to the forum.

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Honestly in most cases acrylic is acrylic is acrylic. There is a slight different in cutting between cast and extruded - but the biggest difference is in engraving those two.


Exactly this. With the exception of inclusions like glitter etc, the chemical composition of acrylic is pretty standard, so the settings for acrylics of the same thickness are pretty universal. A bigger factor is the huge tolerance it has because of the way it’s manufactured. Some acrylic can vary as much as 20% in thickness from one end of a sheet to the other, and that can make a big difference in results.