October Update!

Except that is imaginary “shipping”. They are actually still shipping day 1 pros and day 6 basics.



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I have a math degree, and common core makes me shudder every time.

The breaking point was my daughter’s homework that required ‘estimating’ a addition where the correct answer was less than 1 of the numbers being added.

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nothing is perfect, common core included. But it should not be used to discredit the entire Public School system.

Here is a point about its failure:

Someone has removed our information from the Shipping Board do I put it in again or hope it shows back up by itself?

Are you going to put it in again assuming someone typed over our info by mistake?

…and honestly, some kids do much better using common core than they do with traditional methods. Both of my daughters are fairly gifted in math and I would say that both the common core and the traditional style offer valuable tools in helping them recognize the clearest path to the answer. Most of their common core driven math deals with visualization and practical reasoning. It helps them understand that math is more than just numbers on a page, it is also a representation of the physical world. So, yeah, I think most people knock it without having any real exposure to it.


I’ve always enjoyed doing math, and when Common Core came out, I eventually took a bit of time to try and “understand” it. I figured out what it was trying to do, and mainly discarded it since the “old” ways seemed to work much faster and take up less room when showing the work.

However, I didn’t stop there and I found a few more methods that were actually pretty slick. If you are interested in alternate ways of doing multiplication, look up the Lattice Multiplication Method or the Japanese Multiplication Method. They were quite fun to figure out.


That’s pretty much the main issue people have. They only see that the standard algorithm method is quicker and therefore better. That said, the common core method isn’t about being the fastest. It’s about helping kids understand what the numbers represent. Along those lines, the Japanese visual method of multiplication is awesome for getting the answer quick and is even quicker than the standard algorithm, but it does almost nothing in terms of helping a person understand what multiplication actually is.


I’m guessing they’re trying to figure out how to world the incoming delay…


Yes they bought themselves six weeks by redefining the word “shipping” so I expect them to redefine October next or some other weasel way of making this:When will I ship my order Order ID: R045561687-FYFB5USZ not a blatant lie.


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