Hi Everyone! My other project I was working on also finished up last night, perhaps my favorite of them all! Used the GF to cut out the chair, the burners for the stove, and the table from some thin craft plywood. The walls and floor are 1/16" chipboard, I hand-carved with an xacto the grout lines and exposed brick. I could have used the GF to cut the window frame, but I did it by hand to give it a little more imperfect, warp-y look. The under-mount sink and stove are also chipboard. So many tiny little details (trash in the sink, sponges and scrubbies and OH it was all just so much fun to try and figure out how to do!
They are some small print gingham cloth, I just glued the hems instead of messing with stitching them, poked holes with a pokey and ran a toothpick through for the curtain rod, the cloth was stiff enough that I just glued the curtains directly to the wall. My brain can pretend that there’s hardware holding the rod up.