Not really sure what inspired this. I guess I just really wanted to play with this style of living hinge so I was looking for an excuse to use it. Anyway this fun novelty box opens by “turning” a wooden page made from living hinge!
Super cool!
Hey thanks!
That looks so real!
Absolutely wonderful and unique!
Neat idea, nice outcome!
I absolutely love this!!!
Pretty neat idea! Love the pattern you used for the “lid”!
That is really a neat project! I didn’t know a living hinge could be different patterns! Stunning!
Oh my goodness that is amazing! You did a great job on this!
Oooh! I really like that! Great concept and design!
Excellent execution. The blue paint is eye catching. all of it is really Lol.
Wow, that’s really cool!
That really looks like a book plus you don’t see that kind of living hinge often. Very nice idea.
Just out of curiosity, can it fold as a closed book? speaks to the flexibility of the living hinge pattern on all three horizontal component pieces.
Excuse me, I have to pick my jaw up off the floor…
@dan pitched the as a way to “make beautiful things”, and you accepted the challenge.
Ooh, that was a great idea, and you carried it off beautifully!
wow. so creative.
That is so ingenious! That would be a perfect gift for a book-lover.
Thats so awesome! Is the pattern available to buy?