Ordering a Second Glowforge

I ordered my Glowforge the day after your campaign ended so I’ll be receiving my Pro model sometime in August. Since I have purchased the Glowforge, I have opened an arts and crafts studio and I’m think of purchasing a second one, but the Basic Model Glowforge. If I do so now, will it be delivered after everyone else who has already ordered one or would it come with my Pro Model in August?!


It’s my understanding that both will ship at the time your Pro would ship but I’m not 100% sure of that.


Awesome! In Raleigh? When I lived there, I felt that there was serious lack of creative outlets… so good on you! What is it called? I have a few friends in that area still.

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I don’t remember how the support team handles this - @rita will know!

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Yeah in North Raleigh. It’s called Klaystation.


Tell everyone you know! We have plans to bring a lot of creativity to the Triangle.


That’s awesome. Good luck!

Yay! We’re neighbors! (I’m in Cary).

on the plus side once production ramps up, the pre-orders will go through relatively quickly; even if it ships at the end of the queue you wouldn’t be waiting too long to my thoughts

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