Oriental Artwork 3d Relief

This is covered in the discussion above.

They didn’t create the source file, but a section of what one looks like was shared to demonstrate what they look like to achieve these kinds of results. They are generally called 3d depth or relief images, you can find thousands (including this one) online. They have been commonly used for some time to create 3D wood carvings using CNC routers.


Here is a good tutorial on how to create them using Blender.


Hi Steve,

I used the stock Glowforge settings for Thick Maple. Stock speed etc. For the first pass, select the “dots” mode and use the defaults for that. For subsequent passes, select the "vary power settings and lines per inch settings discussed above. I ran 2 passes at a lower LPI and finished with one final pass at a higher LPI. I used the stock Thick Maple speeds, power, etc otherwise during the whole process.


Thank you. You got beautiful results.


Simply put, this is beautiful. It is impressive… I am completely impressed.

I am never without admiration, the projects created by you and others.

Regards, Michael


Thank you.

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