I had no room on my bench so I put my Glowforge in a drawer with no front. I used 2 sets of 100 lb drawer slides
How do you handle exhaust? And on a side note, who is your governor?
LOL. Good eye. Exhaust is not a problem. I just keep the garage door open. I have a dryer vent kit ready to go, but haven’t found the need for it yet.We don’t mention the Governors name here in North Kakalaky
Very tidy and space conscious. Another member in here, @PrintToLaser did that same thing with his.
By the city name, I am guessing that the summers are cool but the winters could be bad. Do you have plans for that? Having the garage doors open would not be an option then. Not only too cold to operate but ice is not very friendly to glass.
I tend to think of a Glowforge as an indoor type pet, needing to stay in the same range of temps and humidity you find comfortable as well.
It’s North Carolina, right? I didn’t see a city name in there. I also have no idea what the weather is like in North Caroline, don’t think I ever did more than drive through it. I don’t have space either, so I put my second machine on a clearance ikea counter top with some casters on the bottom. It works great to roll out when I need to put really long materials in and fits under the open space of my other machine.
The weather in the winter avg temps 58 Fahrenheit summer 82. This yr very hot. Laser doesn’t like it real hot. No I didn’t draw up any plans just winged it
Wow! Smart. Would not have thought of that. How do you handle the exhaust hose?
Great solution!
The average does not count, only the coldest. You can avoid using the machine when the temps are above 90 degrees but just one night below 0 degrees while you are warm in your bed your machine will be dead in the morning.
If it reaches 0 degrees in Southport NC we are all in deep do do…
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