Pallet wood

Y’all, look at all these gorgeous hardwoods that came from my pallet wood pile! When I get done building my house, my GF and I will be having some fun with them!


This guy has pallet wood as his “thing” though mostly woodshop and not laser.

I would want a band saw set up to make several 3/16" slabs out of each large piece and a planer to smooth them.


That is gorgeous wood! But I thought you were going to say as shelves or a wall covering, rather than using it in your GF! That would make a lovely bookcase or pantry, but half the depth so you don’t have to reach over other stuff and it wouldn’t take as much room. :slight_smile:


Or at the current depth it looks just about right for storing :glowforge:able wood!


The one in the photo is part of a closet storage system for our clothes and such. It’s kind of a shame that it will be hidden away in the closet, though!


I might build my pantry shelves out of pallet wood, if it keeps being this pretty. I’m just worried that it’s a fluke and the rest will be boring brown!


Definitely beautiful!


Break apart and sort first? A balance of not wanting to do it vs time you will be annoyed that you didn’t do it?


That looks incredible!


Wow, that’s nice!


Several years ago I was using pallet wood for things until I was told that they impregnate it with chemicals to deter insects and rodents (and is not nice for humans either!). I didn’t have a huge stash and I wasn’t relying on it, so I just quit using it without checking every detail of every pallet. So, not sure if it is true, not sure if it is true for every pallet, just sharing what I was told.
You have lovely wood there. I hope I am wrong :slight_smile:


I would love to try some projects with pallet wood but is there an easy way to break them down? I am in my 60’s and not so able bodied anymore.


If you can handle a circular saw, cut the boards off on either side of the supports. You get smaller pieces but it’s so much less work!

If that’s too much, hire a high schooler to tear a bunch apart for you?


I’d avoid the ones that say MB as that’s the pesticide.


Mostly they use whatever is cheap where they are using them. Back in the day I heard of folk ordering a teak sailboat and getting much of the money back by selling off the teak shipping cradle it came in. Not going to happen now if it ever did, but it still holds that scrap wood in some places may be highly valued in another, even if not the best part of the tree.


Welcome to the community! We’ve cut a lot of pallet wood for use around our farm. We use a “sawzall” - a reciprocating saw, with a blade specifically made to cut through nails, so we just go between the boards and cut them apart. They’re easy and light enough that even I can use it, and I’m in my late 60’s. You can buy them with or without a cord. I bought myself a cordless one because I don’t want to worry about tripping over it or cutting a cord. You can usually find one on sale at a big box store. They’re rather handy for many things. Actually, I bought myself a whole set of cordless power tools so I don’t have to worry about breaking my husband’s, and he uses mine more than I do!

We’re fortunate that we live in an area that has several business that make pallets, and the wood they use isn’t treated.


Everyone should own a Sawzall. :slight_smile:


At least one. I even have a corded one… the horror :slight_smile:


Us too. I have my cordless (which Marc took out to the garden to use, as he’s building me raised boxes and redid the long rows we had), and his corded one, which hasn’t seen much use at all since I got mine!

When I worked at Lowe’s, I bought a set of Hitachi 18v tools - sawzall, 7" circular saw, drill, and jig saw. Got a super deal on them, not only with employee discount, but they were being discontinued because “Hitachi” became “Metabo” and they were getting rid of all “Hitachi.” The tools are exactly the same, made by the same manufacturer, but when Hitachi sold the power tool portion of their business, they sold everything but the name. So don’t think Metabo is an off-brand - just a name change. And we’ve had zero problems with our tools.

But it sure made Marc rethink that cordless tools weren’t as powerful as corded. Sure, the corded ones may run a little better, but we have enough batteries to easily swap out. And then we started buying him the Kobalt 24v tools. His corded power tools, except his large ones like table saw, etc., have seen very little use for over a year. We just keep them as “backup.” :slight_smile:


You can get a Pallet Paw. Basically a long handle with 2 fingers at the end. Place between the cross member and pull back. It pulls the wood out and nails with it. I have one and it works pretty good.