OK, so @cynd11 your wish is my command. I got some papyrus (god I love the internet) and attempted the papyrus squared challenge. The 1%/350 is still too hot, but maybe with the next lower-low settings we can truly engrave it…
Man, I’m so glad we don’t take things seriously around here…chuckle!
Good thing that art & design aren’t considered intellectual.
Ya know, 'cause
I know, I know…but i still like Comic Sans and Papyrus.
So shoot me!
Me too!!!
Nah. Font police don’t carry guns. Dem’s dah grammah popo what you done be thunkning 'bout. Or maybe: teh; PUNK2ashun and sp311ing copz¿
I love it! Just one little thing, though. It’s papyrus^3. You know, ‘papyrus’ in the Papyrus font, on papyrus. (Do it again)
Pappy cubed!
groovy. There’s something very sci-fi, time-travel-ish about laser engraving a sheet of papyrus.
Step away from the serifs and nobody has to get hurt…
Add me to that list!
I think I just popo’d…
Ha! Serious lol
https://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ From SNL last night
Ohmygosh that was hilarious!