PG Masking Tape

I’m sure people use whatever masking tape you find in your local hardware store, but if you were looking for the masking tape used on PG materials, then you are in luck because I have successfully found it! (unless someone else already did :pensive:)

Company does will call and shipping, so no worries there.

Here’s the link: Taa-Daa


Quite a few of us use paper transfer tape. It’s worth checking the MSDS on the clear poly to ensure that it is laser-safe…

Here’s an early post on the subject by a pro…

The photo looks like R.Tape Conform series paper masking tape, which would be fine for lasering, and could very well be what is used on proofgrade. It is not a poly product, however, and as far as I know R.Tape does not make a product called Glassmask…

The listing shows paper, says poly, and doesn’t mention the name brand shown in the photo. Will you get a roll of clear polyester film? A roll of paper R.Tape Conform? Even if the “poly” film is polyester (and so laser-safe) it doesn’t mean it will be cleaner burning, and will certainly not be cleaner engraving (than paper masking).

That said, I don’t know if I trust this particular listing.
While I personally prefer their competitor TransferRite, R.Tape makes fine product as well, and is normally available through the same suppliers, like and (who sell to the public), and industry-direct suppliers like Grimco and Fellars


Would something like this do the trick?

probably not laser safe. but honestly, it’s really expensive vs the cost of the 582u.

your link is 12" x 10 ft for $9. the 582u is 12" x 300ft for $37. equivalent for that amazon product would be 300 ft for $270 ($9 x 30). i’d stick with the 582u.


No, that’s the clear stuff.

582U and 592U are the ones to look for from TransferRite. Those specific manufacturer’s product numbers. That is all that I, a Certified Internet Stranger™️, use and recommend.


Thanks! Trust the stranger on the internet.