A little something I made this week. 5X7 photo frame made out of pieces of 5mm thick. colored MDF. The scorching comes from cutting the pieces with the Glowforge. I partially sanded them so I could see what color the pieces were when assembling them, with a plan to sand the fully when I was done, but I really like the look. Still some work to do. I need to rabbet out a spot for some glass on the back. First time I’ve made something like this. I’m really happy with how it turned out.
This is really similar to something one of my favorite YT makers does with “scrap wood” - he even has a t-shirt and campaign around using scraps. Here’s one example. The first 8 seconds are cute even if you’re not interested in traditional woodworking…
I had originally planned on doing that, but it is tremendously fiddly. You have to account for the kerf when you’re cutting out all the pieces so you get the exact length on each piece and then make sure everything is perfectly positioned. I did try to get that to work, but after spending too much time trying to get everything to align, I just chopped the corners and made my life simpler.
Why not have more acrylic underneath to have the rabbet there to start with?
If you did the corner pieces first then there is only adjusting for length and some sort of power sander can make stuff shorter in the fly without much effort. The laser does not have to do everything .