I am looking for picture mounts to hang pictures for my projects made on the glowforge and clamps to hold wood to the honeycomb. Does anyone know where I can find files for this?
The most common clamps are called hold down pins.
The most common picture hanging method is a keyhole:
I have been happy with French cleats one glued tot the back and one stuck to the wall with 3M Command strips.
So a saw tooth hanger is great because it doesn’t have to be exactly centred and works well for irregular shaped objects.
French cleats are easy to hang with screws for heavier items - you need to do a bit of hand finishing if you want to make them on the laser.
You can buy really cheaply metal D-Clips and similar you can screw or glue to the back of your items. It doesn’t all have to be lasered
You can put holes through things and thread them with twine or light rope for visible or invisible hangers (think “farmhouse” styling)