Pitch Car expansions!

I have our family’s old Carrom board, too. Ours might be slightly newer but not by much. We played it a lot when I was a kid. It currently sits behind the couch. Maybe I’ll take it out tonight and see how much I remember.


Yes! It was a favorite growing up. Our fingers would hurt so bad at first, but we played so much that the pain went away - or we just didn’t recognize that our fingers were hurting :blush:


Has anyone designed the Crokinole board? I can’t wait to see!

I used to play Carrom with my mom when I was in high school (many, many years ago!). I remember it being quite fun.

I’ve never heard of Pitch Car, but I think even making a “car track” for kids that could be expanded would be awesome. Grooves could be made to look like lines in the road. And having them connect together with shaped notches would be easy. I like this.