Playing with beamwidth (aka kerf)

In the abstract, it should be possible to vary laser power by speed relative to an incoming change of direction, such that as the laser head decelerates to make a corner it also reduces power, proportionally, so that it ends up providing consistent power to the target.


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@martin.anderson, I imagine it already does what you describe, but may not be as optimized as it could be. The results I observe with my GF may be different than other GF’s, so the blooming I see may be the best it can do without individually tuning each machine.

They absolutely already adjust for this. I have a laser that uses Lightburn and you have to adjust for that manually. I’m giggling at the GF photos you guys are posting because when you don’t adjust the Lightburn laser, it is very, very obvious. I really don’t see it in any of the photos above. It’s undeniable on an unadjusted laser using Lightburn, completely blown out corners.