Plywood in color - new source

Just for the fun of it, I went to the International Sign Show in Orland. (I love my GF, but I really would like a Trotec, Epilog or Universal) Saw a lot of interesting stuff, but one booth stood out for GF users: The Wood Gallery (

Run by a great guy who was at their show booth, their main business is custom wood cases, mainly for knives. But, they also sell colored plywood sheets. Two different lines, standard colors (purple, green, pink, red, orange, yellow, blue, bourdeaux, weathered black and black) and grain-it colors which seem to have more of a “prismatic” finish (burnt orange, blue jean, brown, purple, green, yellow). I have to say the the bourdeaux is pretty impressive, as is the grain-it blue jean.

It comes in 1/8" or 1/4". Perhaps not Proofgrade, but It is baltic birch, with whatever standards that apply there. Their process is described as “a special process that allows the color to penetrate the wood which enhances the grain of the wood. The wood and color are then protected with a sealer and sanded to an extremely smooth feel. Then it is sprayed with an acrylic lacquer to provide a very smooth, durable, and beautiful finish.” I’m putting the quote in because to me, it sure seemed very similar to Proofgrade finish.

The sheets are offered with optional masking on each side, or with one side with adhesive. Yes, I know I could stain, sand and finish baltic birch myself, but this stuff looks really good and at good prices. He indicated that the 12x24 sheets could be cut to 12x20.20180322_11393520180322_11395620180323_123236


Nice find. Would be sweet to get these as PG, but even If not, ordering directly is always an option. Thanks for sharing!

His prices seem quite reasonable. He also has 15 Ă— 30, perfect for passthrough. Can get them with masking on both sides.

Oh, that gets added to my link bank! I’ll have to get me some of that!


How come?

Also, that wood source is cool.

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The Glowforge is more than a “toy”, but Trotec, Epilog and Universal lasers are professional tools. They have ceramic/metal tubes rather than glass, various bed size and power options, and fully mature interfaces. Of course, their prices reflect this. The very bottom level starts around $10,000 and rapidly move up to the $50,000 range. I said I would like one, not that I’m planning to purchase one soon!


Any assurance from the wood vendor about fume safety from the dyes, coatings and glues?

I didn’t specifically ask about safety, but they are lasering the material in their own production. I would think you’re on your own as with just about any non-pg material. In this case, I’m comfortable that it won’t damage the laser and I send the fumes outside for the squirrels to worry about.


I’m a sucker for new products. Also a little lazy about finishing raw wood. Just placed a $60 order. Thanks for the tip.


Thanks for the tip on the colored plywood.
Just ordered a bunch.

Bookmarked! Thanks!

Wow … looks fun!! Thank you for posting!

I wish I would have know about the show earlier.

Thanks for the link to the Wood Gallery. Pretty.


Got mine in today, and threw these together. I’m pretty impressed with the wood. I see a lot more of it in my future.


I like the contrasting colors that you chose. Did you use sharpies? Is the black outline around the colored sections the result of the cutting?

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FYI…Medium Walnut Plywood proofgrade settings work great for the Wood Gallery 1/8 " plywood.

… for now.

Proofgrade settings can change at any time. Granted, it’s not likely to change by much, but I would suggest writing down the actual numbers so that you can be more assured. Also, plywood is finicky, batch to batch. I would also suggest doing test cuts on any new orders, especially if you’re going for “just barely” cut settings to reduce flashback.

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