Looking great !! (you didn’t hide a mouse somewhere among the paw prints? ). Look forward to a picture of one in “use” .
I got the green staining done on the steps, so waiting for the bulk of VOCs to go away, then will put on the gloss finish (pet safe - water based)
And maybe @Jules could enlighten me on how to put a “once in a while” element in a pattern?
I don’t know much about designing, and have never even touched AI. But once a “pattern” is made, isn’t it treated like a normal image? Can you just select a random paw print and replace it with a mouse? Then you have total control over the “randomness” of the inserted mouse, and the placement of where that mouse will show up.
If not, then please excuse my ignorance on this.
Patterns in AI and PS are very sophisticated and you can do “math” and even apply some randomness (see spray patterns like clover) where size, rotation, etc all change as the pattern repeats. You can turn patterns into just “parts of the image” by expanding them, but then they are no longer patterns, and in fact you need to do this prior to sending to the GFUI (or you get an error)
Nope! No idea! Chuckle!
(I don’t use Patterns much… you might be able to find something on YouTube - there’s probably a video on it somewhere.)