Pre-Release | Mega City One

The trouble with this one is it requires a 3D model to start with. Lots of folks will want to take a photo or illustration and turn it into a 3D engraving. It’s doable with some of the design tools (AI & Corel) but it’s not easy at all and painfully difficult to get precise. I’d expect there is going to be a clamoring for help with that once the bulk of production rollouts start.

I posted a brief tutorial somewhere in some thread a long time ago about manually making depth maps. It’s around here somewhere.


You ARE the LAW!!

So the top image is reference? And not brass colored acrylic or painted?

The top image isn’t the same item as the engraved item. Probably from Google. The design is different.

Aah, I see the difference in the shield now. Thank you.

Shhhhhh!!! I was hoping/trying to keep that quite as I know a large group of individuals (customer base) who would love for their Coat of Arms to be engraved.


I was thinking the same thing when I saw the finished badge

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