Pre-Release | Structure

The weird thing is, I like this form factor better. Much smaller and it’s faster than the iPad. But going from ‘Huh, I wonder if this will work’ to ‘Well sh*it…’ in <10mins. That’s the cool part.

4 Likes is your friend and YouTube channel. Meticulous reports and reviews on Wanhao. I am having a hard enough time in the flatland design space and all the digital 3D stuff might just have to remain a dream.

LOL - totally missed that! OMGPICTURES!!!1! :grin:

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So from what I understand is that the biggest speed increase is due to the liquid cooled LCD plate. The heat generated by the polymerization is actually quite high (exothermic) and by adding cooling via a bonded LCD plate at the bottom, it allows it to pound harder. On their resin they are getting 0.5sec/layer, and on third party resins (1-1.5s/layer) without using a 405nm source (that is an optional part, which we can get at $400/off as a KS backer). Now if one of y’all want to buy be a M1, I will take the hit and publish some comparisons for you guys (cause that’s the sharing kind of guy I am!)


Why not use a brush on silicone and a rigid shell? Just curious, I love :heart:️ the work you do.

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Yeah I think Henry might need to look into matrix molds if silicone waste is a concern. If not, I’ve seen people use lego boxes, and it’s not uncommon to use plastic coated foamcore as boxes for mold pours.

Harrison over at Volpin Props is a mold making god. If you need pointers, go watch that guy work. He has a lot of streams archived on


The challenge is the thing I am casting is silicone and often silicone**(s)** where we use multiple densities of silicones to create layers for ultrasound or different flex axes (god I love Reynolds Advanced Materials which is nearby, it’s a silicone caster’s dream). PLA works great for outer molds actually, and I do paint on silicone (to create for instance the different tissue layers of the colon) but to get a high fidelity hollow structure we use full 3D printed PVA models (I am now a master of PVA printing) with a PLA or Amphora outer mold. We also embed substances on the mold surface to get inside the silicone (say bone dust to create calcified plaques in blood vessel walls) which I glue to the PVA with PVA glue.


Yeah I met them at makerfaire. They were in the booth right behind glowforge. They sent me home with TONS of good stuff. I had to pay for another checked bag because of them! lol

We have a place called ‘the engineering guy’ close to here in Atlanta. He sells all the same stuff and does classes on the weekends about making molds etc. I buy from them often. Super cool

Your job sounds like a lot of fun


Well the fun part of my job is fun. Doctoring is less so nowadays. Fighting the private insurers is so tiring…


My uncle retired to part time consulting when a large company bought the local hospital he worked with. I know a lot of large universities have sold their hospitals, but I’m guessing Harvard would be the last to do that??

Nope, we were divested in 1997, which formed the huge fracture in Boston based care (Partners vs everyone else).


I am actually regretting highlighting their product as Occipital & 3D Systems are both playing the blame game for a support ticket for the last couple days.

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I only looked briefly, but neither his web site nor his YouTube channel seems to have anything on the Wanhao Duplicator 7 resin printer. This guy’s YouTube channel has several videos on it, though.


I use so much Smooth-On product from Reynold’s that they sent a couple representatives to my house to check in and see what I use their products for… and I’m in the middle of the desert, 3+ hours away from their Phoenix location.

They also have classes, workshops and even just meet & greet gatherings at their locations. I have yet to attend any of them though.


Yes, sorry about the red herring I through in. You were specifically talking about the resin and I missed that. Thanks.

That’s awesome. We pour so much silicone here for simulation (our sim center makes “skins” for other hospitals for students and resident to practice suturing, etc


No worries!

Wow. Just… wow.
Great project. :smile: