Pre Release: What to do with a stout tree?

Ever since I got into woodturning, I’m always on the lookout for felled wood I can easily gather and use for projects. I’ve made dozens of items out of the hackberry, oak, ash and cedar from around my area. I love to see what some would consider trash wood turned into something cool (like the Guinness logo) or even something beautiful.

I’ll show off a picture of some of my work in a more appropriate thread sometime. We turners do like to show off. :slight_smile:

I am looking forward to getting my Glowforge. I have some ideas that would make my segmented pieces very cool, I think.


So you must have a big lathe?

Mid sized. 12 inch swing over the bed, or 10.5 over the tool rest holder.

I tend to make small items like birdhouse Christmas ornaments, pepper grinders, lidded boxes, and my favorite afternoon project; goblets. I love turning goblets. Basically useless, but fun.


Thanks! I may stick to what I know, then (which is slic3r – not ideal, but I have lots of profiles that work).

Someone once described that plugin to me, as if you were stuck on a desert island and the only way to survive was slice with that plugin, they might use it…

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Love it.

Why wait? Ask and ye shall receive… :slight_smile:

I suggest you find an ale tree and make half and halfs. :wink:



That is beautiful. How long did it take to engrave?

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I want to say 15-20 minutes if I recall…


Great! Thank you!

Funny to come back to this years later; @joe 's Glowbaby and mine are classmates and good friends now. XD

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Very nice. I have some mesquite branches I plan on doing some thing similar with. And I love Guinness, especiallly at the Dublin storehouse. It is SO MUCH tastier fresh than after being shipped across the pond.

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I’m with you on the Guinness, though last night being Burns’ Night I stuck with Belhaven. :smiley:


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