You can open this file in your program of choice. Ungroup till you get the individual sets and decide which ones to keep or discard. Much easier to see and work with!
If you decide you need an outline around one image - easy to do.
Delete the other ones from the current open file.
With your cursor, draw a large square around your icon so you don’t accidentally loose any parts of it.
Open in your program - I used Inkscape. In order to make the ornament, I used Ungroup, then used Union on just the outline with the ornament and then moved the strawberries back.
Great, quick, tutorial. I wish I had something like this when I first had my machine. I was super green back then and it would have taken me ages to create something so cute.
I might need something with a cute mouse or a lizard (both are equally cute in my book).
I can see those!
I needed some strawberry items for a friend who owns a strawberry field for picking as well as does strawberry research at the uni I retired from.
I wonder if even the premium membership in TNP website lets you scrape svgs en masse like this.
So instead of making up go through the UI, how about letting us multiselect TNP assets and export them in a nice zip of svgs? That’s something of value and keeps us out of the overhead of loading the UI and exporting it all. Seems to be win-win.