Pro Email Received

Bravo! This is excellent news.


Oh thank God!

Now who else?!


I received my ā€œyour pro unit is readyā€ email 4 weeks ago on June 30th, which I accepted immediately. Still no shipping notifications yet, tho for my proofgrade materials or the pro unit itselfā€¦


Hopefully this is a good sign and you will get another email soon.


Woohoo! I ordered 71 minutes after you, so crossing my fingers hopefully soon!!



I ordered at 8:17am. No e-mail. I have this nagging feeling I pissed someone off and Iā€™m on a blacklist. :frowning:

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heh, i find that extraordinarily unlikely. clearly order number isnā€™t the only property in whatever algorithm theyā€™re using to pick fulfillment. iā€™m choosing to take this all as increasing production stability.



The email for the Pro seems to be worthless at this moment. Adrianf got his 4 weeks ago and still hasnā€™t gotten anything else since. Glad to see more emails going out, but they donā€™t mean a thing if they arenā€™t being shipped unfortunately. =(

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First Basic emails had a wider gap between email and shipment, but were still within the 6 week window. I expect ramping up Pro is running similar. It may have even gotten delayed a week or two with the UPS box damage issues, or we might have seen those shipping notices already. I still hold some hope that the Pro shipping notices will appear within the next 2 weeks, which would be keeping with communications.


Congrats and good luck to all you Pro letter-getters.

I ordered on the last or second to last day, canā€™t remember, so I am not holding my breath for my notification.

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It seems to be a bit of a shell game. They can say that they are shipping, because they send an e-mail that starts the process, Then give themselves 6 weeks to make good on that. In the meantime they can say they met their shipping goal of June 30th, and when the next announcement came out they can claim they started shipping Pros. Itā€™s all hooey and hogwash until itā€™s sitting on a dock with a Shipping label and carrier notified for pickup.

For everything else theyā€™re doing right, this 6 weeks shipping notice is justā€¦ (Iā€™ll leave people to finish with their own replies. I canā€™t come up with something nice.)


Congrats! Glad to hear the news, and hope yours arrives soon and you get to do fantastic things with it! :slight_smile:

It seems they must be selecting deliveries out-of-order still, my order was 7:09am and still no word, but any traction is good news!


ā€¦damage control. They are behind & are buying time with the 6 week thing. Sending an email instead of a glowforge does not qualify as staying on schedule in my book. Itā€™ll be really easy to send all emails before the end of October but I am doubtful that everything will actually be shipped by then. I hope they prove me wrong because the shadow games are becoming tiresome.

Congrats!! Did you get the same 6 week promise?


Could you post to the Crowdsource GF Shipping board?
It would help the morale of the waiting masses.
It has been at 1 Pro email sent for so long :disappointed:

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me too.


Hey wait whatā€¦ when did you get your email? Congrats!

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2:30PM GFHQ time. surprised the whole planet didnā€™t hear my brain explode with excitement.


Double congrats! With email(s) yesterday and now today it indicates to me that they are slowly trickling out. Iā€™m so close I can taste itā€¦ I will now have my fingers crossed for the golden email sometime next week.

Edit: Iā€™m just going to put it out there that my birthday is next Wednesday.


Thought I heard a pop in the distanceā€¦congratulations! :sparkles::balloon::tada::confetti_ball::bamboo:

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