Project Print-A-Toy Program

It’s Week 3 of Project Print-A-Toy Program! This week’s theme is all about Vehicles! From mini vans to tractors, we’ve got free designs for you to print to donate!

We have a mixture of various Proofgrade materials on promotion for this week’s theme including maple plywood, basswood plywood, eco iron-ons, and walnut plywood.

Appreciate all of you for being part of our Project Print-A-Toy program!


Is there a way to get the last weeks designs? i got to this late and wanted to print some airplanes from the above design for the gift drive this weekend.

Unfortunately there isn’t a way to get last week’s designs once the new weeks starts. Apologies about that!

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Just to let you know, I’ve been following the print a toy since week 1 and the airplane has not actually been offered as of yet(it was only in discussion). Don’t know if they will have any aircraft in the coming weeks so you may want to look through the design shop to see what is available.

Welcome to the community.


Here is the design discussed above, it is just part of the catalog (free with premium).


Hi! I’m looking to join this but am unclear whether the goal is to cut things and then donate the pieces so the recipient can assemble, or am I to assemble it and donate the completed toy? Painting? TIA


Welcome to the community!

I certainly don’t have an inside line on this, but to me anything that has “puzzle” in the title seems like exactly that. I’d include a printed photo of the completed puzzle in a bag with the unpainted parts.

More complex items are more of a judgement call by the maker (you!).

Be sure to post some photos…


If it’s something a kid would enjoy assembling, make it a puzzle. If it requires glue or other supplies, put it together :smiley:


What were the Week 1 and 2 Designs…having gone back to check my email, I only had this weeks actually show up in my box and the other emails were in spam so I missed them! Wish they were all available for Premium subscribers!


Oh no! So sorry about that. The first week was all about animals and there were various puzzles including a rocking horse and dog house. These two are still free with premium though!

The 2nd week was about costumes and jewelry and here are the ones that are free with premium:



This week’s theme is all about GAMES! You can download a free design of Go, Dominoes, Goblin Jump, and more! And we’ve got deals on purple and green acrylic, draftboard, maple veneer, cherry plywood, walnut veneer, and red oak hardwood. More details here: Project Print-A-Toy – Glowforge Shop


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