Proofgrade leather mask adhesive

This is a really interesting idea. So you would probably pre-cut a section of leather slightly larger than your design, dye it, apply the resist, then engrave and cut? It’s not something I would have thought of, that’s for sure!


@Zandr, thank you for your reply.

Thanks for all the suggestions posted here. I’m going to move this thread to Beyond the Manual so the conversation can continue.

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i have had luck using frisket film, testing on non-proofgrade leather.


DOH! Wish I had seen this before I went to town, will keep in mind for next project! Thank you.

Any other advice for removing masking that has been on :proofgrade: leather now for about 18 months? Finally started my first leather project and no matter what I try can not remove the masking. Have done a search of the forum and the more I find the more I realize it may be a lost cause, especially now that my PG leather + masking is so old :frowning:

Bummer. And as usual for me, it took a long time to learn the steps just to make my file and gather everything I needed for this project LOL

You might try gently warming it with a blow dryer (not a heat gun). Some adhesives soften when they’re warm.