PRU: Nerdy earrings

A friend from high school is in town for her sick mother, and since she has two lovely nerdy daughters I thought since grandma is sick maybe a layered gift might provide some cheer. The older of the 2 is a theater geek and the younger who wants to be a rocket scientist (did NASA camp this summer) is a Dr. Who fan. so off to the Glowforge (well of course via a colossal battle with illustrator and the inevitable email to @Jules to solve the insanity - thanks as always). So we have proofgrade leather earrings (I got the clasps at Michaels). I noted a small problem with the proof grade leather sheets, if you are cutting within 0.5" of the top the air-assist causes the edge to flutter.


By the way, I wish the same level of bodily harm on the illustrator UI team that I wish on the guy at Specialized who compressed the Roubaix tires into a flat folded Z shape such that they are almost impossible to get the bead seated…


Chuckle! Those look awesome in leather, and I like the daleks too! :grinning:
(Feel a little sorry for the AI UI team tho.) :smile:




What thoughtful gifts! Very cool.

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Those are great. And while I shouldn’t have needed it, you’ve inspired me for several gifts for the family