Puzzled newbie - jigsaw challenges (and flames)

Thanks, just trying to get this right.

Mind sharing which mat board you used? I’m planning one soon and still figuring it all out.

I bought 2 packs of them, I think they are going to work fine. Cost was $23 for 10/pack

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Question about using salt to clean the edges. Would dry sand work or is there something about the salt that makes the difference?

I would think sand would scratch the surface. Salt is pretty soft.

Only way to know for sure is to give it a try. What I would watch for is it leaving debris/dust/powder on the pieces, especially on the faces. That’s why I prefer small’ish pool salt vs table salt (salt comes in a lot of sizes!) — it tends to not leave any trace when it’s done.


But there was this one time… when the customer thought the residue salt was thematic to the beach puzzle she got! :wink::joy_cat::joy_cat:


I may try the sand and the salt both on my prototype and will let you know what the end results is.