Quick and Dirty

I like that one the best. Nice job!

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Thanks for waking me up! It was good to do something at the bench again, and Iā€™m happy about the wire inlay.


No problem. This community is great for riffing on & getting cool things coming out the other side. Thatā€™s why Dan pays me the humongous bucks :grinning:


Excellent choice!! Beautiful.

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Thank you. :grin: I hope you are enjoying the machine as much as I am! Never really saw a laser in my life as a reality.

First of all, beautiful design!

Against the white-ish background, I prefer number 2. But that opinion may change if it were to be hung on a dark wall.

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Thanks Tom!
Yes, that was another one I really liked.

I canā€™t recall who, but one of the artistic ladies here, a beta user I believe posted a picture of an engraved name tag for a wrapped gift that had slots cut into it for lacing the package ribbon through.
The hearts cut from different woods will adorn future efforts to keep me out of the doghouse.


Late to the party here but Iā€™m so happy to see you did the copper wire inlay :slight_smile: As soon as I read that I was hoping Iā€™d read later youā€™d done it!


Yes! @jamesdhatch sparked the inspiration! At which time I couldnā€™t believe I hadnā€™t though of that. ā€œQuickā€ was one of the requisites, and that added almost a day to the effort - but weā€™ll worth it.

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We have so many techniques at our disposal in our kit bags itā€™s hard to think of applying them all the time. Then when you think of it (usually after youā€™re ā€œfinishedā€), thatā€™s when I do the dope slap to the forehead and curse my failing creativity :smile:

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