My boyfriend is starting a new job and purchased a really nice, very heavy brass pen for his desk. I wanted to make him a pen holder for it. Since it’s so heavy, I decided to put a lot of acrylic in it, and I figured that black acrylic and walnut would look classy together to match the pen. I asked @Shell if I could borrow her beautiful arch design and repurposed it into this simple, single pen holder. The acrylic is essentially a solid block inside the wood frame and is quite hefty feeling. The top is finished as little sticker of walnut veneer.
Not bad for one laser thursday!
The quote is a quote from Naruto (I think). My boyfriend translated it and stuck it up on the fridge. I thought it made no sense until @anna.r rewrote it as “You don’t always get what you wish for, but you won’t get anything if you don’t wish for it first.”