Quick poll. Introvert or extrovert?

Belated thanks for the birthday wishes!

Truth is… there are interesting and intelligent people offline as well. Extroverts are more likely to go out there and find them by taking classes, joining a makerspace, etc. Introverts get a lot of the interaction they need in online spaces where we can skip the small talk if we want, take time to formulate answers, and sneak out if we’re done with the conversation.

And I completely agree with @geek2nurse about online vs. offline personalities. I was once at a (blogging) press event with people I had only met online. We were broken into groups and I ended up with some folks whose personalities online were larger than life. I thought the PR person must have lost her mind to group us all together and wondered if they’d make it through the tour with the antics that were on the horizon. Turned out they were all super quiet and chill in person. It was only later that I realized that blogging draws an extremely high percentage of introverts and that yo can’t judge a book by it’s online avatar. Or something. Also, I’m still friends with most of those women today!

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Oh, wait… that’s different.


So much introvert it took 3 days to get the energy to respond here.


Best answer.


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