Request for various 'cardboards' in the materials in

So about that. My grandfather ran a company that made lamps. At some point he branched out into heat lamps. Shortly thereafter the company faced a potentially ruinous lawsuit for not having included a sticker absolutely positively forbidding use of the heat lamp while in a bath (Which, if you think of it without decades of constant reminders against mains current and water, sounds like a really pleasant idea).


What I’d like is simply the ability for users to save material settings and later use them. For example, if you work out manual settings for an operation (e.g. cut single-thickness cardboard) you can save that as a ‘user material’, which you can later select.

Since users enter them, not get them from Glowforge, and the GF already displays appropriate warnings for non-Proofgrade material, hopefully GF’s lawyers will be happy.

Heck, they don’t even need to support any kind of exchange, as the “material profile” is only a few numbers (speed/power for each of cut, score, and engrave. Plus lines per inch for the engrave.) So users can post in the forum…


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve passed it along to the team.