Rock engraving

Thanks! I’ll get Inkscape. I had found the tutorial file last night, but so much to learn…

My Proofgrade material won’t arrive until later today. I actually think I learned more, quicker, since I had to guess at settings so far, rather than just hit print. Fortunately we have this forum, so I had some idea where to start guessing.


You’re shooting snail eggs with a laser? You know that’s just asking to create a giant mutant radioactive snail, and then we’ll have to get the children of the world to summon Gamera again to do battle with it.


Good safety tip.

The funny thing is, images in a PDF are typically compressed using… JPEG.

If I’m ever on Jeopardy and the category is File Format Trivia, I feel like I’ve got a fighting chance.


And I recall now that is was .png, not pdf. I’ve been in CAD land too long.
You are right.

Beautiful photo!

I went through this - you want to use PNG. In Illustrator you can select both the PNG and the circle you’re cutting, and align them centered both vertically and horizontally, and it works fine. That is, assuming the snowflakes are centered in the PNG.