Rotary Engraving a Yoyo on my Glowforge

Very clever, and nicely done! How were you able to do the yoyo at 2.1"? Isn’t that more than the max. height (without the crumb tray in)?

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Super clever. Did you attach it to the locking holes they used for shipping? Or is it just pushed somehow? Simply awesome.

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That’s awesome . I would have never have thought of that. Very clever.

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A very clever design indeed. I wasn’t able to view your videos though but I do understand how you did the job from your pics.

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I’m guessing that is doublesided blue tape?


At first I thought you were the guy who cut the bottom of his GF out and now I see what you did. That’s genius!

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Interesting indeed!


Wow, Beautiful solution!

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Outstanding. :star_struck: We have all been waiting for someone to devise a solution for almost 3 years!

I presume the tape is to prevent the dowel from sliding? I’m guessing the long incremented slot is sized for the maximum diameter?
Well Done. :sunglasses:


So excellently clever!

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Now that’s thinking different! Very Cool!

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@taylor.a.jenkins What an elegantly simple solution. Congratulations!
You have awed and inspired quite a few of us.
The level of ingenuity and expertise of this community never ceases to amaze me!


I doesn´t look like he is using the passthrough slot, but rather anchoring the skid to the gantry and letting the dowel in the slot roll over the friction tape to achieve the rotary motion as the gantry incrementally slides. Simple, elegant and brilliant!


I’m not using the pass through slot at all, so this will work on non pro units. Thanks!


Yes, I removed the crumb tray. I took advantage of the fact that the height of the surface is reduced as you move away from center. I just positioned the yoyo off center enough that the engraving surface (material height) was at 0.5".


Yes, I used the locking holes.

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Blue masking tape with spray adhesive on the back, so yes, homemade double sided tape. The dowels were so light they need that extra bit of friction to roll consistently.


I don’t think I’m brave enough to cut my Glowforge. Thanks!

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Correct. I actually cut the bottom slot wider than the maximum diameter to allow positioning a larger diameter slightly off center.


The company should make you an offer for your design. :no_mouth: