I had an urgent request this weekend from a really good friend of mine to engrave around the rim of a yoyo. I had been noodling on this idea since I got my Glowforge a couple years ago, so when the request came, I knew I had to try it. I did, and with success! I designed and cut my rotary fixture out of a single sheet of proofgrade medium draftboard. The current design will work with cylinders measuring 1.5" to 2.125" diameter, and can utilize the full travel of the machine. I think it will be possible to do smaller diameter items, with some simple modifications I’m considering.
The Yoyo had a 2.1" diameter.
Can we see a photo?
Intrigued, to say the least.
Rotary attachment???
You have our full attention.
I’d certainly like to hear more about the solution for the solution.
He’s leaving us hanging.
Walk the dog? Cradle? Round the world? Pendulum?
Oh common @system… the whole post isn’t that long to quote!!
Video please!
More info will be forthcoming, once I have time to put it together for you. I’m tweaking some things on my design, after which I will make a proper video. Unfortunately I missed my opportunity with the yoyo, so I’m open to requests. Probably next week.
Looks great. Can’t wait to see what kind of fixture you’ve created.
Very nice results. Darkness is uniform around the dowel.
Be interesting to see how the rotary fixture was implemented. Typically, you’d disconnect the Y axis from the gantry and drive the rotary fixture as the Y axis instead… best of my knowledge there are no hooks like that in the GF and you can’t open the lid to manually index the fixture. So it’s a mystery now, I want explained!
Ah. Your manually advancing it via the pass thru slot.
Well specifically using the gantry to drag/roll the object.
Now that is brilliant!
That is so genius!