Rowmark Engraving Plastic settings?

Bought some material for name badges and signs: Rowmark Value Series LaserMax Sky Blue/White 1/16" Engraving Plastic, from Johnson Plastics. Service was good and delivery was quick.

Anyone have suggested settings for engraving and cutting this material?


I have the purple on white. I use speed 150 power 50, and for engrave 1000/15. It’s worked great.


Make sure to remove any masking too, it just works better that way.


Yes!!! Sorry I forgot to mention it. Any residue left just wipes right off.


Thanks to you both!

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Thank you. I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong!


What LPI, # of passes and focus height are you using?

Focus height should be selected using Set Focus - it’s going to be slightly different for every sheet.

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Recently had to engrave and cut one of these. Tried the setting suggested above, but they didn’t look too crisp. I was able to dial in my settings thanks to a YouTuber that has tried many different materials and setting using his Glowforge.
I am using the Glowforge Pro. JDS Rowmark Flexibrass .020" Gold/Black. Unknown Material - with a Material Thickness of .020". Engrave setting: Speed 600, Power 30, LPI 340 (Auto Focus). Cut settings: Speed 350, Power 100.

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