That’s a very real concern and the glowforge has sensors built in for this as well. I don’t think you’ll be messing around with it though. It’s a closed system so it’s not as if an obstruction will occur that you have to clean it. The problems likely to arise are that the pump isn’t running for some reason in which case the sensor will trip not allowing you to catch everything on fire from not having cooling.
So what does one do when this sensor “senses” that issue?
I know it’s too early to tell the frequency at which those issues occur, but is the SOP to send the unit back? Or is it simple enough that a caveman could fix it?! (LOL, remember those commercials?!)
If the pump dies you’ll have to get some type of service. I don’t know glowforges take on end user replacements for stuff like that though.
The Muse, of course, is a straight up copy of the GF “look”. This was done on purpose. They added a camera, but still don’t have most of the GF features. It has some advantages that they advertise heavily, but is an expensive, and poor copy of the GF. My opinion only, which is worth exactly what you paid for it.
- Rich
Yes, I’ve been playing the trade-off game in my head between the two. If we compare only features that have been seen actually working with the Forge (so not air filter, pass-through, two-sided cutting), then some of the pros for the Forge are:
internal cooling
software upgrade through cloud
proofgrade materials
what am I forgetting?
(The reason I’m comparing to what we have actually seen working is that apparently the Muse is shipping now.)
How about autofocus and integral filter. If you buy the filter, the system is still much cheaper than the Muse. - Rich
I don’t believe the filter has been shown actually working yet, has it?
We haven’t seen it working, but Dan has made comments that it is looking good in testing, so they must have some somewhere.
LOL, Dan has said everything is looking good in testing. Just really sparse on specifics, like filtration specs.
What am I missing on Muse cooling? I see tubes coming out the back. External cooling with a bucket of cold water needed?
I think it might be just an external reservoir and pump. Or maybe the reservoir is on the inside, and they just put the pump on the outside to save space and reduce heat. All speculation on my part.
Yes, the site does not discuss anything about cooling in the tech section. No photos of any externals on the site or video.
I was watching with anticipation as they panned down the cooling tubes. They always stopped short of the pump!
looks like the standard chinese laser setup. tubes to whatever coolant setup you have that just run to the tube inside. I use a large water container for my k40, no chiller. usually keeps it cool enough to prevent any issues unless its a long engrave with the power turned up a bit
There is camera control… but all I see is that the laser head is running a perimeter sweep before every cut they show… what the hell is the point of that if you placed by camera?!
I would like to have this right now on the GF tbh
Do you have a conscious reason for why, or is it more of a gut feeling that you wish you had it?
I use the perimeter trace all the time for placing my material in the right location. And I likely will feel odd when I first do NOT use it. But if you have faith in the camera system placement, I fail to see the point of the perimeter trace.
Not trying to say “you are wrong” or anything like that. Just genuinely curious what I am overlooking that makes it desirable.
right now optical alignment isnt accurate enough for my uses. I know theyre working on accuracy and making advances every day. I also know I have an older version of the software than the beta testers and internal devs are using.
Unless Im directly under the camera right now its not reliable, and for the time being cutting directly under the camera is the last place you want to cut too. so its a bit of a pain if you mess up a cut or move your material to try to repeat that cut, but then again Ive been talking about this issue for a long while before I got my glowforge.
Cool, so not missing anything on the reason. Just the camera system does not yet warrant faith, so a secondary is desirable. Sweet.
yeah. a 0,0 and numeric offset would be ideal.
I know there are a lot of tweaks they can do to the UI to get it closer to perfect, which I think they should continue to pursue, but it will never match the accuracy of a physical 0,0 and numeric offset.