Safety concerns from room mates

given how well the exhaust seems to work, i suspect this is largely for things like vinyl that may damage the laser.

They can’t. You can mitigate risks, but there is never 100% certainty the unknown is completely harmless. If they can’t see that the risk between a vented glowforge and a glowforge on a balcony is essentially the same, well then do they like to play cards?

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You could get a mass spectrometer and sample the smoke. What are they running these days? /s

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There was a TV show on when I was a kid. Damned if I can remember the name of it. It was a panel show of some sort where they’d discuss new inventions. But one of the things I remember specifically from that show was they showed this thing called a “microwave oven.” They’d existed prior to this show, but they were about to really hit the US market. I remember one of the commentators saying “Well, they may be coming, but I can’t imagine who would want to actually eat food irradiated by microwaves. I don’t think I’d want to.” A couple years later my Grandmother was the first person I knew to own one.

Moral? People fear what they don’t understand. You might want to extend an invitation to your rommates to be able to use your Glowforge. Make them each an edge-lit acrylic sign for their rooms. It’ll blow their minds.


My own take on the smoke/fumes thing is my “bacon test”. Consider that bacon usually has two sources of potential carcinogens plus artery clogging goodness. The salts used in curing bacon can be harmful in certain concentrations. Also the particulates in the smoke used to flavor and cure the bacon can also be harmful in certain concentrations. Ventilation will take care of the any possible issue of bacon when frying. Moderate consumption will deal with the rest of the harm.

I don’t want to lock this thread down and alert the safety protocols on the forum, but the smoke and fumes produced by a Glowforge will be dealt with by adequate venting to the outside or eventually to a filter. Noxious, toxic harmful stuff in high concentrations are just not an issue with the materials you will be using. If you smoke meat outside, or grill or have an indoor open fireplace, you might already be exposing yourself to worse stuff. This is why I feel safe in my closed off office where I have the Glowforge. The exhaust and venting setup I have works very well. And anything I have read in these past years has answered all questions I have had about safety.

Annoying smell and sound? That’s a different thing, but safe in the home? Yeah, I’m fine with that.


That is wrong, Bacon does no such thing.
Garbage, like Vegetable oil clogs your arteries and fast food.
I practically LIVE on pork belly. Animal fats are GOOD fats.


Yes, I was duped for all my life regarding how bad animal fat was. Didn’t stop me though. I’ve gotten my own pigs to butcher because that’s the only way I can get enough fat to make the good sausage and a nice roast!


Are you saying the glowforge does? Where is that?

He did not say that.

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My mistake, thats why i was asking :grin:

GF do say that here:

I just opened my desk drawer and counted 8 things that could kill me if I used them improperly. The most advanced of them (technology-wise) was a flathead screwdriver.

Edit: Actually I’ve got a Phillips screwdriver in there too, so I’d say it’s a bit more advanced than the flathead.


Just another example of the FNL getting way out there!

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Are you insane? I hope you keep those locked up so a child doesn’t get hold of one.


I bought my daughter her own tool set a few years ago. I know, I know, I’m an awful parent…


Also watch out for Di-hydrogen Monoxide… that stuff is a killer… I would like to see it banned


I buy all of the kids I know a jacknife when they’re 7 and I give it to them in front of their parents so mom & dad can’t intercept it without enduring weeks/months/years of cajoling & whining to get it back :slight_smile: Every kid should have one.

My daughter is 19 and in college. Apparently she’s the only one who owns a multi-tool. Security had to determine if it was a tool or a weapon. Got a lot of “wow, you’ve got a Leatherman” comments from the boys in her dorm :smile:


I certainly hope you aren’t teaching her how to repair things. How do you expect her to grow up to be a good consumer?


I heard that the government pumps it into peoples homes while they are sleeping.


I guess that is marginally better than giving out candy from a white van.