hangs head in shame
Even worse, I heard they do it while you are awake. Like you won’t notice or something.
Shoot – they even make you pay for it!. It’s one heck of a solvent, though.
I accidentally left some on wood one time and it completely ruined it. Proof that nothing organic is safe from it.
It is even used in vaccines. Do you really want to have chemicals injected into you?
All this despite the fact that EVERYONE who ever comes into contact with it dies, sometimes very quickly. If that wasn’t enough, it erodes soil, too.
And, in its gaseous form, is a powerful greenhouse gas.
And, at the same time, can also block sunlight in it’s gaseous form. It’s a real nasty.
I hear in it’s solid form, it can cause circulatory issues.
Circulatory issues, cellular destruction, even burns.
There’s even an entire organization dedicated to exposing the truth about DHMO
[quote=“lairdknox, post:99, topic:10064”]
I heard that the government pumps it into peoples homes while they are sleeping
[/quote] They add fluoride to it to keep the masses docile.
It is also used in nuclear reactors. Nasty stuff.
Even takes down ships! (See: Titanic)
You think DiHydrogen Monoxide is a killer, but just think about the Dioxide molecule. Burns pretty much everything it comes in contact with.
Love is like dioxide
You get too much you get too high
Not enough and you’re gonna die
Dammitall I’m out of likes! ROFL!
Even worse when it’s evaporated… The stuff actually rises in the air and then forms these sort of droplets and pours down on unsuspecting victims without warning. I’ve seen footage.