Scrabble Board I was working on for my dad. Probably his favorite game. Hope you all enjoy it as much as him.
The first image is 1/8" board glued on top of the second image. The second image or the bottom board is made with 1/4" board. I also made the tiles 1/4" thick so they would stick out of the squares and be easier to grab.
Red = Cut lines
Green = Score lines
Black = Engrave
I love things like this, that we can customize. It stinks that things get pulled because of copyright so often. I get it though. I had one bookmarked, before my GF arrived, on Thingiverse. It was a scrabble tileset with ASL hand signs instead of letters. I wanted it really bad, and didn’t think anything about getting it early. When the GF arrived, I went back to it…it was gone. ::sadface::
Awesome! It is my favorite game, even if I can’t find anyone to play it with here.
Thanks for both the share and your service. I’m going to download it now.
First and foremost, thank you for your service.
Next, welcome to the forum.
And lastly… Wow, I am totally blown away. This is magnificent and beyond generous to share it with us all. This is a file I guarantee will be used by many, including myself. Thank you!
I left my husbands gift for last minute and I couldn’t figure out what to do for him… until now! You are amazing for doing this! I truly appreciate it !!