Scrabble Board & Tiles

any updates? lol

No, I havenā€™t been able to use my machine for quite a while now. :frowning:

oh no! what happened?

Well, itā€™s a loooonnnngggggg story. lol

If you want to hear my long story telling about it, expand this. LOL

First, one of the front carriage wheels broke, so I had to wait for the new part.

Right when I got the new part, but before I had a chance to replace the wheel, we discovered a leak in our kitchen. It was bad, it was under the cabinet and not visible. A large area of the kitchen was wet, so the hardwood floor had to be torn out of about 2/3 of our (small) kitchen, and the whole bottom section of cabinets. Our whole house is chaos because we had to move everything out of the kitchen. :frowning:

Then to make things worse, the crisis in Texas has delayed our claim (especially because the insurance company is based in Texas). So right now weā€™re still waiting on the approval of the estimates. I called them on Friday and escalated our claim basically, so hopefully in the next few days it will be approved.

It wouldnā€™t be as difficult if we didnā€™t have two young kids (including our daughter with special needs) and they are both doing remote learning.

Depending on how I manage my time today, I might maneuver my way around everything and try to replace the carriage wheel today. I know itā€™s not good to have the machine not in use for long periods of time. At least if I can get it going and do something small, that would help. (And because I guess Iā€™m a glutton for punishment, yesterday I changed my sonā€™s whole bedroom and we had to move furniture around the house LOL but itā€™s all good, just chaotic.)

But our lives have been kind of like this for the last 4 years, we just try to roll with the punches the best we can. :smiley: Itā€™s all good. Our daughter had leukemia, so this is all fine. We will get through it. Cancer brings perspective! lol


Char-lee (my GF) is up and running again! <3 Iā€™m so excited I was practically dancing around. But as soon as the the stars and moon align and our rebuild is approved and set up, Iā€™ll lose access for a while again, Iā€™m sure. (thatā€™s ok.)