This was a quick project, possibly less than an hour from conception to finished project. I normally had several SD cards floating around my desk and wanted to organize them.
Pretty and useful. Love it!
Very clever design.
Excellent hardware choice. Care to share the source?
Practical and cute - I like the little feet.
Love the look with the red in the middle!
I’m most impressed with the (brass?) hardware you “had laying around”…
Do you work for Michael’s?
Home Depot has both the silver colored screws and the brass knurled nuts. Lowe’s too. They’re in the drawers of hardware.
(Google might find other sources )
Hardware stores have these nuts, and a couple of other classic designs with their brass nuts and bolts.
I keep a supply of these brass nuts and screws around for laser cut projects. I don’t like to use glue and these look interesting.
Dang…I gotta up my game! Very nice!
Yep, I love it when folks come up with something new and clever with a little splash, like that color and the brass.
Another of those things you did not know you needed until you saw it.
I have some longish Chicago Screws (bought by mistake and kept) that will work nicely.
Thanks for sharing.
That is the most elegant SD card holder I’ve ever seen!
Love the brass
That is great! I have a few lying around, I might need to think about storage at some point. This is a great design!
Neat idea, neat design, neat desk. Top marks
Sweet. Very classy look. My OCD however needs those screw heads all pointing the same way lol.
Indeed. (And it’s CDO, with the letters in alphabetical order. As. They. Should. Be.)
Fantastic simple design. Stylish.