Securing material to crumb tray

Looking for assistance please. I know I have seen plans for clips (pegs, clamps, stays or bench dogs) that fit into the voids of the crumb tray but cannot locate the in a search. I’ve been using neodymium magnets, but they are vey brittle and have at times interfered with the fan speed. Does anyone have plans for such a device?

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That is exactly what I was looking for, that you so much. I’ve got bunches of scrap acrylic on hand (or local plastic’s supplier lets me have scraps they deem to small to mess with.

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A combo of those and ceramic magnets (especially for thinner stuff like paper or veneer) works wonders.

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What are the dimensions? My file opened at 10"X12"…surely that’s too large.

I’ve tried both acrylic pegs and draftboard pegs and the draftboard in my opinion is far better than the acrylic. It’s easier to push in / take out.


The pins should really be about 1" x 1" (but I honestly am not near one right now to accurately measure). I’ve been making mine with med maple ply scrap, haven’t yet tried draft board as someone noted. Be sure the thickness is equivalent to PG “medium” boards to optimize fit in the honeycombs…

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The file in the linked thread opens in the GF UI at precisely the correct size needed. You can then copy and paste and arrange to print as many as needed.

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