Sensei Thank you gift

Hello, this is my first post and I’m still a Glowforge and digital software noob. I’ve had it for about 6 months, but I’m barely scraping the ice on what I have to learn. I’m not sure how many people will find this useful, but because I’ve learned so much from the community, I wanted my first post to be something to share and give back a little.

I made this thank you gift as a little ornament for my kids’ Japanese school teachers, like an end of the year gift maybe they can use as a bookmark or Christmas ornament. I made this with the medium proofgrade clear acrylic I have, so the image is vertically mirrored, feel free to flip it back if you want to engrave it on something else.

I tried to engrave the writing on it, but I wasn’t sure it was deep enough to show through the acrylic; so the second one, I scored the writing instead. It shows up more, but not really sure which I prefer, still trying to figure out everything.

I took the kanji for teacher (sensei-先生) and then in tiny writing I put thank you very much (ありがとうございます), and 2019. Then before removing the paper, I attempted to paint it, because I didn’t think they would actually notice the words unless I added some subtle color. I think it looks better without the paint (when held up to the light), but since I decided to make it show up better, my son chose green, so green we used.

The one on the right is scored, the left is engraved. You can probably give it to a karate, kendo, aikido, judo, naginata, Japanese language, etc. sensei. I wouldn’t give it to a Taekwondo teacher or any other non-Japanese martial arts teacher though, just a heads up. You’d have to write thank you in another language, like Korean…which I can also do, just let me know. I hope these images show up…fingers crossed.



Thanks for sharing it! I’m sure the teachers loved them!


Thanks for sharing! We’re already out of school, but my daughter’s advisor (and social studies teacher) would have loved one of these.


Welcome to the community and thanks for sharing your Thanks design!


I think these gifts turned out very nice, and I am sure the teachers will love them. Thanks for sharing the file and your test results.


Very nice … Thank you!

My son-in-law just came back from a vacation in Japan. Gives me a couple of ideas. Maybe come up with something for a refrigerator magnet.

He is always so thoughtful in his gifts, I try to equal that for his.


Haha, I hope you can find use for them in the future. By the way, every time I’ve seen one of your posts I panicked, thinking I accidentally wrote something. “ChristyM,” just seeing the name I thought it was me.

Thanks all, I hope you can find use for them. I missed teacher’s appreciation week, and I didn’t have my Glowforge at Christmas; better late than never I hope. :sweat_smile:

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My daughter said as soon as her teacher got it, she strapped it to her handbag.

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Are you a Christy too?

Yes, same spelling. :laughing:

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That’s funny!