Setting Up Ventilation

Welcome @emilymnelsen. You are fine with using the full extent of the supplied hose as long as you don’t add more that two 90 degree turns. Going up and out the window is just fine. Heat rises so the idea of pushing up stuff isn’t a concern here.

If I can figure correctly, you would like to have some type of external setup to ensure the that exhaust continues further away from the house, rather than having a window or wall mounted opening with just a flap, much like a drier vent.

If you are adding extra runs than the distance of the full stretch of the supplied hose, you might want to consider adding an inline fan to boost the exhaust further. That is a bit beyond my experience, but there are many topics that discuss this and share the solutions.

Here is one:

You will want to search on venting setup and exhaust setup.

I found out I was getting a Glowforge on a Monday totally unexpected. Delivered on a Wednesday. I had given a little thought to venting, but not much. Used materials I had on hand.

Welcome to the community and good luck.