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In another thread, I was derided because some of the “automatic GF defenders” (not using the term “Cheerleaders” anymore) made the assumption that I was looking for placement accuracy within .001".

The response was “If that’s what your looking for, go spend $25,000+ on a laser made for that. This is a Glowforge” (paraphrased).

In this thread, the excuse is that kerf adjustment is ridiculously complex for lasers (and you’re stupid if you don’t understand that), that in order to get the accuracy down to more than .002" that it is going to take Glowforge a long time to perfect it and we should patiently wait.


Right now, we have to take parts into a third party app, do a manual kerf correction by following a ridiculous amount of steps.

All anybody in this thread is asking for is that we have an -option- to set a -fixed- amount of kerf correction. This would save a buttload of time in many people’s workflow.

On the hummingbird project I am working on, this feature would have saved me a day’s worth of work - alone.

It is a simple request. Nobody is asking for super duper automated fancy down to the millionth of a millimeter automagical kerf correction. Just the option to say, “Hey, GF. Correct for X amount of kerf, please. Thank you.”

If they are worried that it will confuse people, bury it somewhere. Make us check a box in settings that enables “Advanced” features. Don’t hobble the equipment by playing to the least sophisticated audience.